Recent interview w/the CEO of an international commercial real estate firm provides some insight while raising some interesting questions.
1. If the return to the office is a collaboration/new hire on-boarding/company culture play; how do we consistently promote company values/build team dynamics when the space is utilized fractionally?
2. It appears we will be moving towards greater square footage per employee, thereby increasing the overall office footprint. Does this mean we should expect to see a flight from quality due to rents? Larger footprints = increased overhead = reduced profit margins. What does this do to the class A office market?
3. Current uncertainty & its effect on leasing decisions should prompt landlords to offer robust concessions packages to tenants that will make long term commitments, however, we aren’t seeing that yet. When do landlords accept that we’re in a Tenant’s market?
Unfortunately, no one has all the answers. I am interested to hear your thoughts.
Jamal has negotiated thousands of leases on behalf of tenants since 2003 and continues to advise companies on their on-going real estate strategies.