What Is Your Investment Criteria

This is the first question we ask our clients.  Understanding your portfolio strategy is critical to delivering you the best assets to review.  Our team is constantly searching and analyzing markets across the country to find the best opportunities.

NNN INvestment

This is the investment strategy for the low-risk investor.  In addition to collecting rental revenue; Owners of NNN properties pass on property tax, insurance and maintence costs on to their long-term credit tenant.

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Value-add projects

Our team is constantly searching for properties with operational or managerial inefficiencies.  With a strategic capital investment, these projects will deliver a high cash-on-cash return to our clients.  We often have opportunities that are not listed.


1031 exchange

Why pay taxes when you can exchange your investment gains into a variety of properties including: Multi-family, Hospitality, Retail, Office or Industrial. Our clients value our ability to quickly identify multiple opportunities.