Employers are experiencing difficulty matching open positions with extraordinary talent.
If your organization is having trouble attracting the best talent for the job you may be facing the following five common problems. Never fear, we've got a few solutions that will help your company stand out amongst the competition.
1. Obscurity
During the Great Recession when jobs were scarce, employers could be selective about hiring the best of the best. We are currently at the height of the economic cycle and there are plenty open, well paying positions. Talent has to be wooed by more than money, you need a great company culture and job-related perks. In addition to all this you need to spread the word about these aspects of working with your business. If top talent doesn’t know about these aspects of your business through social media or your presence in the community you’ll have a tough time attracting them.
2. Workforce Fulfilment
The millennial workforce wants to feel like their efforts are having an impact. The solution to attracting the cream of the crop is in making sure your open positions have compelling descriptions tied into the overall company mission. It doesn't hurt to have a socially responsible company ethic either.
3. Location, Location, Location
You may have heard this mantra in real estate, but it also applies to workplace desirability. Today's young professionals tend to flock to desirable, often urban areas in walkable distance to social centers. These typically exist within densely populated hubs, and if you aren’t in them or nearby, you’ll have a hard time gaining their interest.
4. It’s all about your space
While you may not need a Facebook or Google style campus, your space says a lot about the company culture and what it’s like to work there. Does your space encourage collaboration, innovation, is your leadership accessible, and is the company brand reflected in its design? You never get a second chance to make a first impression so pay attention to what your space says about you.
5. Do everything you can to keep existing talent
Sounds like a no-brained but your competitors are trying to recruit your talent daily. Not only that, but word of mouth about what it’s like to work with your organization may be dissuading other talented professionals from joining your team. Make sure your team is happy and well compensated. Develop with a strategic plan to improve employee engagement, heck, buy them lunch. Creating this type of work environment will land you referrals to other talent from your existing team, and your clients. Be prepared and aggressive and you’ll stand out amongst your industry peers, and talent pool.
Jamal Brown is the CEO of The Ocean Company, an exclusive tenant representation firm with offices in San Diego, Orange County and Los Angeles focusing on the leasing and acquisition of commercial real estate.
Main: 858.356.2990 | E-mail: jbrown@theoceanco.com | social: @theoceancompany